Hillside Happenings
a blog from our pastors and staff
Welcome to my Advent blog, this is the 6th of 13 blogs and you are encouraged to read them in order. We are exploring ways to rediscover the child-like faith we once had. “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” -- Luke 11:11-13 God has put this parable on my heart the last couple months. Luke 11 tells a story of a man looking to borrow some bread from his neighbor. The neighbor doesn’t want to get out of bed and help his neighbor but he eventually gives into his demands. The reason he gives in is because the man has the audacity to keep knocking on his door. I find it interesting that Jesus told this parable immediately after he taught his disciples the Lord’s Prayer. Apparently, Jesus not only wanted to teach them what to say, but how persistent to be. You know who is persistent in asking for things? Kids, us to ask for things that are in line with His priorities. God not only wants us to ask but to keep on asking. God honors a devoted and persistent heart. There is no guarantee here. There is no formula to get God to give you what you ask for. God is not Santa Claus.
But God likes giving gifts to His children. One of greatest gifts God gives, according to this text, is the Holy Spirit. Our community and churches need a special wave of the Holy Spirit. I have to believe that God wants to give that to us. God’s timing may not always align with ours, but God wants us to be diligent in our prayers for this gift. God is testing our resolve. Do we want Him enough to keep asking for it? Crawl up in our Father’s lap and tell Him what you really want this Christmas season. And keep doing this in every season. The next blog will be posted Thursday, Dec 12. Please feel free to comment below. Pastor Dan
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March 2022